

This medication contains the active substance vardenafil, which is an erectile dysfunction (ED) treatment. It is similar to Viagra, except it is more potent biochemically, hence a lower dose is required to restore erectile function. Using a lower dose potentially decreases the chance of side effects in some patients as well. Like Viagra and Cialis, this medication belongs to the PDE5 inhibitor class of medications which have been shown to be safe and effective in clinical research.

ED is a common sexual health problem that is believed to affect about 50% of men between the ages of 40 and 70. It can be the result of a number of health conditions like diabetes and high blood pressure, particularly in men over the age of 40. Although, men between the ages of 20 and 40 often also have ED symptoms, usually as a result of psychological reasons like performance anxiety.

In the body, ED is caused by problems with the circulatory system. For example, high blood pressure can cause damage to blood vessels and this can affect any part of the body, including the penis. If there is an insufficient supply of blood to the penis, this can prevent the organ from being able to become engorged with blood to form a strong erection.

In a similar way, if a man is feeling overly worried about his sexual performance and ability to please his partner, he may develop ED. The anxiety associated with a sexual encounter can trigger the release of stress hormones like adrenaline and cortisol. This can cause blood vessels in the penis to become narrower, making it difficult for blood to enter the penis with ease to create an erection.

Like other PDE5 inhibitors such as Viagra, this medication will not work in the absence of sexual stimulation. Once sexual stimulation takes place, vardenafil works by improving blood flow to the penis which subsequently strengthens erections. This medication increases blood flow by inhibiting PDE5. This enzyme can sometimes cause blood vessels at the entrance of the penis to become tight and constricted.

A clinical study was carried out to evaluate the safety and efficacy of this medication in the treatment of ED in men of different age groups. Altogether, 1,385 men were involved in the study and they were assigned to three age groups. Group 1 were under the age of 45, group 2 were between the ages of 45 and 64 while group 3 were 65 years or older.

The men were given either inactive placebo tablets or varying doses of this PDE5 inhibitor to take over the study period. Several questionnaires were used to determine results including a general assessment question: Has this medication you have been taking improved your erections? This PDE5 inhibitor produced positive responses in the following percentages of the relevant age groups:

  • 71% of the men below the age of 45 years
  • 76% of the men aged 45 to 64 years
  • 85% of men 65 years or older

The corresponding age groups who were treated with inactive placebo pills were 23%, 25% and 35%, indicating a considerable difference in efficacy. The study concluded that this ED treatment is effective for most men, regardless of age. Headache, nasal congestion, flushing and indigestion were found to be the most common side effects. They were mild to moderate in nature and typically short-lived.

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Who Makes Levitra?

This medication was initially developed and manufactured by Bayer in 2003. Bayer is one of the largest pharmaceutical companies worldwide and they held a patent for this medication which gave them exclusive rights to manufacture it. The patent came to an end on 31 October 2018. The expiry of the patent meant that other leading companies could apply to the regulatory authorities for a licence to produce generic Levitra.

The generic version is required by strict regulations to be bioequivalent to the branded medication. This means it contains the equivalent active ingredient so it has the exact same therapeutic effects. In addition, generic Levitra possesses the identical pharmacological attributes, which include the following:

  • Strength of dosages (5, 10 or 20mg doses)
  • How well they work in the body (efficacy)
  • Time to onset of effects (25-60 minutes)
  • Duration of effect (up to 5 hours)
  • Safety and side effects are identical to the original brand option

Generic Levitra is also known by the main ingredient in this medication. The primary difference between the generic product and the brand-name medication is the price. Often, people prefer the generic version, because it costs a fraction of the price of the branded version (up to 85% less).

Oftentimes, however, people wonder if the quality of generic Levitra has been compromised to make up for the price difference. In fact, regulations that govern the generic industry require that all production, packaging and testing sites pass the same quality standards as the branded medications.

Generic Levitra is cheaper than the branded version because clinical trials have already been conducted to establish the safety and efficacy of this medication. Therefore, generic manufacturers save substantial costs on research and development. Furthermore, generic manufactures typically spend less on marketing and advertising, allowing the price to stay affordable for the consumer.

Is Levitra Safe?

In clinical research, this PDE5 inhibitor has been found to be safe to use and generally well tolerated. When patients purchase Levitra online, side effects are generally found to be mild in nature and transient if they are experienced. A clinical trial took place to assess the safety and efficacy of flexible doses of this medication.

A total of 323 patients were involved in the study and they randomly received an inert placebo treatment or 10mg vardenafil tablets. After 4 weeks, patients were given the option to adjust their dose to 5mg for a further 4 weeks if they were bothered by Levitra side effects. On the other hand, they could request an increase to Levitra 20mg tablets for enhanced effectiveness.

The study found that this medication was effective and side effects were generally brief and mild. These side effects mainly included flushing and headache so the medication was well tolerated among patients. In other placebo-controlled clinical trials, when this medication was taken as recommended, the overall side effects for 5mg, 10mg and Levitra 20mg were as follows:

  • Headache affects about 15% of people
  • Flushing affects about 11% of people
  • Nasal congestion affects about 9% of people
  • Indigestion affects about 4% of people

In clinical trials worldwide, this medication was administered to more than 4,430 men with an average age of 56 years before it was released to the market. Only 3.4% of participants in these trials withdrew from the research due to adverse effects. More than 2,200 patients were treated for 6 months or longer and 880 patients participated in treatment for longer than 1 year.

Are There Any Levitra Alternatives?

There are alternatives to this medication with similar effects and pharmacological properties. There are, however, fundamental features of each medication which differ slightly. A popular Levitra alternative is Viagra. Its therapeutic effects and duration of action are much alike. However, some research has shown marginal differences. Once ingested, the Levitra tablet does not inhibit phosphodiesterase type 6 (PDE6) and this is a rare side effect of Viagra, known to alter colour perception.

Another alternative ED treatment is Cialis, which some men prefer because it has a considerably longer duration of effect. The following table summarises these alternative treatments:

Brand name Generic name Durational efficacy Side effects
Viagra Sildenafil About 4 hours Headache, dizziness and nausea
Cialis Tadalafil Up to 36 hours Headache, nasal congestion and indigestion

Overall, side effects of these medications only affect about 1 in 10 people, so most men do not experience them. Carefully adhering to dosage advice and avoiding or limiting the use of alcohol can mitigate the chance of adverse effects.

In addition to medication, lifestyle adjustments are often recommended as ways of improving erectile function. The following changes may be beneficial for men with ED:

  • Adopt a healthy eating plan - research suggests that the Mediterranean diet can help reduce or prevent the symptoms of ED. This diet includes natural foods like whole grains, vegetables, fruits and fish.
  • Maintain a healthy weight - studies have shown that obesity increases the risk of vascular disease and diabetes, two major causes of erectile problems.
  • Participate in regular exercise - a study conducted revealed that twice-daily sets of pelvic floor exercises for three months significantly improved erectile function in men with ED.

Buy Levitra Alternative Online

Studies have shown that despite the high prevalence rate of ED, only about 10-30% of men find effective treatment. This may be due to fear of discussing sexual health issues or a general misconception that there is no effective medical treatment available.

You can, however, conveniently order Levitra online with just a few clicks of the mouse. Medications are carefully placed in discreet packaging for privacy, and delivered within a few working days. Our customer care consultants are also available around the clock to answer any questions.

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Last Reviewed: 15th July 2024
Next Review Due: August 2025